In the Beginning ...

I am riding my Vespa scooter coast-to-coast and back this year to raise funds for Canine Partners For Life (CPL). CPL trains service dogs to help people with mobility impairments and other disabilities. I have twin teenage nephews with cerebral palsy, and their dogs enrich their lives tremendously. For example, the dogs carry backpacks to school, pick up dropped pencils, and open doors.
The ride is split into three segments so that I can see the family and make a living. On Friday, July 14th I leave Miami, heading toward Denver with a July 19th arrival. I'll fly home for a few days and then return to Denver. On July 31st, I'll leave Denver and head for Seattle. On August 5th I'll fly home from Portland, OR for a month and return on September 8th for a 9-day dash to the New Jersey shore with 30 other scoooterists.
I've promised our sponsors a daily ride blog, so here goes...
Today has been exciting. In addition to a full day of office clients ...
I spoke about the ride at a Rotary Club breakfast. I handed out the brochure that I updated last night, and I got our first contribution check for Canine Partners For Life. Thanks, Mary and Sam!
Our talented graphic designer has been working on the logo for t-shirts, etc. I am working on a fundraising plan today. And, of course, I started this blog today.
The new scooter continued its shakedown with 70 more wonderful miles on tonight's DC Summer Solstice ride! I really want to continue the shakedown with a ride to the scooter rally in Ohio this weekend, but I'm staying home to be a good Dad ... and because the weather report is not encouraging. [Updated later- a good decision. It poured for 6 days. We had to hitch my trailer and rescue some scooterists who rode.]
In just one week I'll be trailering the scooter to Miami to get it in position for the first leg of the ride: Miami to Denver.
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